What distinguishes this roofgutter cleaningdevice?
You need no ladder to work with the guttersucker ! At other providers you still have to climp on the ladder, to mount assembling parts, to put the cleaning device into the gutter, changing batteries, or to put the cleaning device into another gutter. At many cleaning methods material is spun or sprayed out of the gutter and you or your house or paths and patios get dirty.
With our product, the roofguttersucker you clean your roofgutter from the ground without pollution and you need no ladder. Different eavesheights are achieved by joining the corresponding tubelength. A wet-dry vacuum cleaner solves the problem wether dry or wet material is placed in your gutter and the constipation problem is minimized by a large tube diameter. The cleaning progress you can check via a mirror. For different gutter sizes you have smaller and wider nozzles. The tubes can be slightly separated after work with the tube separator for cleaning and storage.